Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Acheron is an Exclusive Necro-Mythic mutant which can be exchanged with 650 Lost Soul during the limited Halloween Event.


Acheron is a humanoid being and is wearing tattered clothes on his head and on his lower body. The entirety of his body is wrapped with bandages, exposing his bluish 'skin.' He also wields a spear-like staff and has several geometrical-shaped objects/urns floating on his back.


  • Attack: Apocalyptical
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Intermediate


Necro Capture Soul

  • Damage: 1374
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1912

Mythic spread Lightning Wave

  • Damage: 687 to each target
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 956 to each target


The Soul Collector is total mystery. He has appeared out of nowhere during the Halloween event, looks like a being of pure energy wrapped in bandages and seems to have a passion for collecting the souls of mutants. He keeps the souls he collects in geometrical urns but why? What are his intentions?


  • This mutant has a higher Boost percentage than usual Boost users, starting out at 34% rather than the standard 20%, and 41% at end.

Possible references[]

  • His very name is derived from the river Acheron which is believed in ancient greek mythology to branch out into the underworld, which would make sense since the underworld is a place where the fallen ones' souls go, and the mutant Acheron being a soul collector makes the reference more accurate.
  • He also might be a reference to Specter Knight; a boss and foe to the famous indie game character, Shovel Knight.
  • The geometric objects he uses to store souls are similar to objects found in Zendikar.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic