Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

This page is for the unofficial strategies about the Black Hole Experiment.

The target of this site is showing some strategies how to get the most of this system; see Category:Tips for other tips around here.


Click on the "Atom" Symbol either in the Facebook or Mobile version to get into the Crafting screen. Then clicking on the most right tab gets into the "Black Hole Experiment" screen, where the player can basically "exchange" almost all supplies except mutant larvae into something random else other than Golds and Credits.

Basic Med Pack Strategy[]

It is recommend to input a minimum of "three" Med Packs of any quality aside from the small ones, which award the player one of these: Level 1 Orbs, Big Med Kits, a Jackpot Token or various Boosts (3 Days each). The chances are roughly as following and are based on a sample of about 100 times of consecutive transmutes done by the User:Emardi; thus, the chart is subject to represent wrong odds:

Resulting item(s) chance in %
Health Regen Boost +100% 3 Days 25
Crit Boost +50% 3 Days 12
Crit Shield 75% 3 Days 12
XP +100% 3 Days 10
5 Big Med Kits 9
XP +200% 3 Days 8
Health Regen Boost +300% 3 Days 7
Life 1 (+10%) 3
Boost 1 (+7%) 3
Jackpot Token 2
Retaliate 1 (7%) 2
Drain Life 1 (+7%) 2
Attack 1 (+5%) 1
Shield 1 (+7%) 1
Curse 1 (+7%) 1
XP 1 (+40%) 1
Critical 1 (+5%) 1

Other combinations[]

As suggested in the quests:

  • Crafting 3 Med Packs has an unknown chance to yield 3 Bronze Star (rare)
  • Crafting 7 Jackpot Tokens will yield a single Bronze Star
  • Crafting 5 Med Packs has an unknown chance to yield 5 Bronze Star (rare)
  • Crafting 1 Crit Orb with 1 Experience Jar will yield 4 copies of a random supply item or a single Bronze Star (rare)
  • Crafting 6 Med Packs has an unknown chance to yield 1 Silver Star (rare)
  • Crafting a reactor token and a challenge token will yield 3 Silver Star