Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Calaca is an Exclusive Necro-Mythic mutant which can be bought for $9.99 USD.


Calaca is skeletal figure wearing a sombrero and ripped black shirt, he's also wearing a red cape covering his right shoulder. He sits on a parade float decorated with flowers and skulls.


  • Attack: Apocalyptical
  • Life: Juggernaut
  • Speed: Slow


Necro Vanitas

  • Damage: 1469[1]
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 2046

Mythic Maldición de la muerte

  • Damage: 1469[2]
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 2046

  1. Multiple green skulls varying in size float toward the enemy while chomping.
  2. Multiple skulls varying in size and color vibrate around the enemy then explode in every direction.


The king of Day of the Dead appears every year to celebrate with the living. He has plans for spectacular skeletal appearances!


  • He was released to celebrate the Day of the Dead holiday in Mexico.
  • Despite being based on a figure of Mexican Day of the Dead festival, he is strangely not a Seasonal mutant.

Possible references

  • His name Calaca, a colloquial Mexican Spanish name for skeleton, is a figure of a skull or skeleton (usually human) commonly used for decoration during the Mexican Day of the Dead festival, although they are made all year round.
  • Vanitas, the name of his Necro attack, is a category of symbolic works of art, especially those associated with the still life paintings of the 16th and 17th centuries in Flanders and the Netherlands.
  • His Mythic attack, Maldición de la muerte, is Spanish for "curse of death".



Calaca larva is his skull. Visible are additional ones that are behind his sombrero.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic