Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Captain Peace is an Exclusive Mythic-Saber mutant who was first sold for the the UN Peace Day charity. 50% of all profits from his sales were donated to the UN Peace Day charity. The original Captain Peace returned for a limited time as a promo for USD $35.

In August 2016, as part of the 3rd anniversary, it was available in the PVE ladder event Crisis Part 2 by completing floor 90.

The green-colored version came with the release of Mutants Super-Heroes set in the Mutant Reactor. Each mutant in the set originally cost 3 Reactor Token but after a few months, the Mutants Super-Heroes set was replaced by the Japan set. In March 2014, the Mutants Super-Heroes set returned to the Mutant Reactor with a reduced-cost of 2 Reactor Token instead of 3 Reactor Token.


Looks like a mix between old-school Archangel and Hawkman. A huge nod to "the dove" a DC superhero who does not like to fight.


  • Attack: Apocalyptical
  • Health: Juggernaut
  • Speed: Slow



Mythic Dove of Peace

  • Damage: 997
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1494[1]

Saber Pacification

  • Damage: 997
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1494[2]
Mutant Super-Heroes

Mythic Dove of Peace

  • Damage: 897
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1394

Saber Pacification

  • Damage: 897
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1394

  1. Captain2
    Captain Peace performs various movements and invokes five doves that hit the opponent.
  2. Captain4
    Jumps and perform several cuts with his sword of light on the opponent.


In the Arena, Captain Peace does hit bit for peace by strengthening the ideals of peace amongst all nations and people. You can do your bit for peace aswell by supporting the International Peace One Day this and every year to come. United (Nations) We Stand, Divided we fall.




Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic