Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

This category is used for the Mutants whose ability is Drain LifeDrainoflife.

Most of Necro Mutants and some others have this ability.


A mutant with this ability changes some of the damage done by its attack into life. Mutants cannot have more life than its max. Reduced by Curse, not by Shield. Takes effect after Retaliate.

  • Curse reduces damage dealt, and Drain Life is a percentage of that. So Curse will reduce the total amount of HP drained to: (the damage dealt - a flat amount of Curse) × Drain Life percentage.
  • Shields don't reduce it since it's based on damage dealt, not on the amount of HP the opponent loses.
  • Taking effect after Retaliate means that a mutant with Drain Life can get KO'd before the Drain Life actually happens.


For most mutants this ability starts at 25% and increases to 35% at level 25.

Drain Life is based on total damage dealt. Thus Boost will increase it indirectly. So the attack and critical Orbs are recommended to Drain Life users.

On mutants with Spread Attacks, Drain Life is applied per hit, thus it can drain all three enemies.

See also

All items (75)
