Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

This category is used for the Mutants whose ability is WoundWound.

Most of Zoomorph Mutants and some others have this ability.


At the end of its turns, target loses life corresponding to part of the damage of this attack. Wounds don't stack and are reduced by Shield and Curse.

  • If a second Wound is applied to a mutant that already has one, the game checks to see whichever wound is strongest and keeps that one.
  • "reduced by Shield" means that Wound damage applies to a shield the same as a regular attack, and not do damage to HP until the shield is depleted.
  • "reduced by Curse" means that the Curse reduces the user's actual damage dealt, results in inflicting lesser Wound damages. The following scheme indicates how it goes: (Attack Damage-Curse points)×Wound percentage=Wound damage.


For most mutants this ability starts at 20% and increases to 30% at level 25.

This benefits from attack orbs and critical orbs since it's based on the actual damage dealt by the attack, getting a critical hit means that the user inflicted a Wound of that magnitude.

See also

All items (89)
