Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Cosmopandas are two Legendary Zoomorph-Galactic mutants which can be obtained by buying the Zoomorph Box for 450 Golds. They can be bought for $1.99 for the Basic version and 2,100 Golds for Gold version.


MGG - Cosmopandas (Move Set)


Appears to be two identical red pandas wearing spacesuit with different colors. They are seen charging an energy ball with their hands.


  • Attack: Very Low
  • Life: Weak
  • Speed: Very Fast


Zoomorph Twin Claws

  • Damage: 199
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 301

Galactic White Dwarf

  • Damage: 199
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 301


Sent into space aboard an experimental shuttle, the two young red pandas were the subjects of an experiment to observe cosmic rays on living beings. The government never revealed if it was a success or a failure...


  • The color of their energy ball corresponds to the colors of their armor respectively.

Possible references

  • Their name is a combination of "cosmos" and "panda".
  • Their entry could be a reference to the origin of Fantastic Four from Marvel Universe.
  • The glasses like devices on one of their eye in the Gold version resemble the scouters from Dragon Ball Z.
  • The White Dwarf attack has similarities to the Rasengan from the anime Naruto.
  • This mutants later inspired the design of Wan & Xiao, characters from Kobojo/Celcius Online's other game Primal Legends which also 2 red pandas charging an energy ball in similar manner to Cosmopandas.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic