Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Cryonos is a Seasonal Saber monogene mutant which was sold in the Shop for 500 Golds. It does not have any Elite versions and is unable to be bred.


Cryonos, like its bio implied, are entirely composed of ice. Its loincloth and boots are also made from ice. Although they don't actually have real hands, they can turn their block of ice into blade in their first attack.


  • Attack: Cataclysmal
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Slow


Saber Ice Blade

  • Damage: 959
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1439

Physical Frozen Explosion

  • Damage: 479 to each target
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 719 to each target


During the short glacial period in the 2050's, Ice Giants rose from the North of Siberia. Disappeared as fast as they appeared, some myths are saying that they transformed into Icebergs, waiting for their time again.


  • This mutant may have been inspired by the White Walkers from the Game of Thrones, the tv series.
  • This mutant was named by Abdullah Bin Al Malik in MGG's Fanspage at December 2014
  • This mutant's name is a combination of Cronos from Greek mythology and "cryo".


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic