Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
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Drei, Space Corgi is a Legendary Zoomorph-Galactic mutant, the regular version can be bought in the Shop.

The special version, usually known as the exclusive (Platinum) skin/version was available as a Kickstarter backer reward and all the bakcers of the Mutants - An Innovative Asymmetric Deck-Builder project were destined to receive a token per a backer; the received token can be exchanged with the mutant in the Exchange Office.


Drei, the Space Corgi is a Welsh Corgi in a space suit tethered to a small space craft.


  • Life: TANK
  • Speed: FAST



Zoomorph Canine Orbiter

  • Damage: 584
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 872

Galactic Kibble Launcher[1]

  • Damage: 584
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 872
Exclusive Platinum version

Zoomorph Canine Orbiter

  • Damage: 642 (+642 Platinum Star)
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 959 (+959 Platinum Star)

Galactic Kibble Launcher[1]

  • Damage: 642 (+642 Platinum Star)
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 959 (+959 Platinum Star)

  1. 1.0 1.1 This attack gets renamed to Super Kibble Launcher on upgrade.


What's cuter than a nice little corgi in a space suit? Do not judge a book by its cover, as Drei is a guinea-pig with an overdeveloped intelligence. He won't hesitate to use his rocket and kibble launcher to get rid of any unwelcome intruder in his space station!


  • The Wound percentage of him is lower than usual.
  • The exclusive version is stronger(642 base damage), but has lower hp(4035) than the regular counterpart.

Possible references[]

  • This mutant is a reference to Laika, the first space dog who became the first terrestrial living being to orbit the Earth.
  • The mutant's name, Drei (three in German), is likely a reference to Ein (one in German), a character from the Japanese science-fiction anime, Cowboy Bebop. Like Drei, Ein is a corgi with an overdeveloped intelligence that lives in a spaceship alongside the show's protagonists.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic