Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
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Geomega is an Exclusive Mythic-Mythic mutant can only be obtained by spending 180 Challenge Tokens in Challenge Hall.


Geomega is a floating stony humanoid whose hands and head are covered in gold and wearing bronze-colored armor on his chest and shoulder, and red cape on his back. There's some sort of stone ring with stone shards floating behind him; he can use that ring to conjure a rock to attack.


  • Attack: Apocalyptical
  • Life: Juggernaut
  • Speed: Very Slow


Mythic Stone Ring

  • Damage: 1194
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1791

Mythic spread Rock Slide

  • Damage: 597 to each target
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 895 to each target


It is at the age of 7 that Matthew discovered his power by holding a rock wich almost crushed one of his friends. Secretly developing them in a marble quarry, he managed to perfect his earth control when he became an adult. He took the name of Geomega and entered the arena.

Possible references


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic