Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Glubber is a Legendary Mythic-Mythic mutant. It was sold in Shop for 2,300 Golds in its Gold version and for 1,300 Golds in its Silver version.


Glubber is a small floating gelatinous blob with a big eyeball on the center of its body.


  • Attack: Low
  • Life: Average
  • Speed: Very Fast


Physical Morphopunch[1]

  • Damage: 568
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 431(?)

Physical Morphomagic[2]

  • Damage: 144 to each target
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 215 to each target

  1. Glubber1
    Glubber morphs into Gemninium to punch the enemy and then into Apex to kick them.
  2. Glubber2
    Glubber morphs into Halbeard to perform a rock attack then into Azuria to perform a laser attack.


While a scientist tried to find a new power source, the experiment went wrong and the lab exploded. Glubber was there floating above the ashes/ To avoid that it is more than a labo whom explode the next time, it has to find a way to release all this energy.
Glubber's attacks are unaffected by his target's genes.


  • This mutant is the first and only mutant in the game to posses only Neutral, or gene-less, attacks.
  • This mutant was first seen on Jordan Torak's Youtube channel.
  • This mutant transforms itself into various other mutants when idle or when attacking, these mutants include: Kaiju Kitty, Anubis, Scare Bear, Mr Marvelous, Halbeard, Apex, Geminium and Azuria. The transformations are only for aesthetic purposes and do not provide any changes in attack, genes or abilities.
  • This mutant's upgraded ability percentage was reduced, but its non-upgraded ability percentage, Life and non-upgraded first attack damage were increased as of Dec 12, 2018 as a part of the Beyond the Machine 8: Genetics Reloaded update. It is unknown whether its upgraded first attack damage was increased either.

Possible references

  • Its name was inspired by the Disney movie, Flubber.
  • Its ability to transform is inspired by the Pokemon Ditto.
  • Its appearance and the ability to float are reminiscent of Goop from Ben 10 franchise.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic