Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Ishi No Ōkami is a PvP/PvE exclusive Mythic-Zoomorph mutant which can be obtained through the LOCATION.


Ishi No Ōkami appears to be a wolf-shaped stone statue in a howling posture and standing on a floating pedestal that is surrounded by three floating rocks. Upon reaching higher elite version, her stone body begin to transform, eventually revealing her bright, blue spiritual body.

Entire bodies, including the floating rocks and pedestals of both Silver and Gold version are covered with lichens, which no longer exist after the Platinum version.


  • Attack: Medium
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Fast


Mythic Shards of Divinity

  • Damage: 320-340
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded ?-782-805 (estimated)

Zoomorph Stone Claws

  • Damage: 320-340
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded ?-782-805 (estimated)


This great divinity has been sentenced to eternal emprisonment by the other gods in a stone statue and would be freed only if the world was at risk. It seems that the destructions which happened in Shangai were serious enough for the gods to free her. However, her divine energy had already started to merge with the statue...


  • As of August 18th 2018 or earlier when this mutant was introduced in Mutopedia, the "Ō" character on her name is wrongly displayed as "-".
  • This mutant is among a few mutants with extreme attack upgrade multiplication; the others are Phoenix and Dimentio.
    • The demage values of this mutant's upgraded attack stats are approximately 237% (calculated) of her original base attack demage instead of the usual nearby 150% of that.
  • Only her Silver and Gold versions are covered with lichens.
  • Her second attack doesn't make any differences for attack animation after upgrading at level 15, the same case with Spin Fury's attacks.

Possible references[]

  • Her name could have been romanized from the Japanese word "石のオオカミ", which means "Wolf of Stone" or "The Stone Wolf" in Japanese.
  • She might be based on wolf statues in Japanese shrines, with a fact that Japanese people were inspired by wolves as god.
  • The mutant can be a reference to Amaterasu from the video game Ōkami. Ironically, the mutant's biography is the opposite of her lore in the game.
  • The Bronze, Silver and Gold variants might also be references to a story line in the video game The World Ends With You in the Week 1, Day 2 where the players must clean the statue of Hachiko to reveal blue markings of an enemy, which seem to have a similar design with the mutant's variant designs.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic