Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Kaiju Kitty is a breedable Zoomorph-Zoomorph mutant that looks like a kitten with a golden skull shaped trinket on its collar.




The Kaiju Kitty is a living example of the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover". It looks like an adorable, seemingly defenseless little kitten... but once ordered to attack by the Psy-Captain, the Kaiju Kitty quickly shows its true colors. Take the "Biting the Hand" attack: after running up to the target, the Kaiju Kitty opens up its inhumanly wide monster jaw and takes a bite out of the poor victim mutant. Like the golden skull collar isn't any dead giveaway of its true nature...


  • Attack: Destructive
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Fast


Zoomorph Biting the Hand

  • Damage: 443
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 665

Zoomorph spread Cuddly Invasion

  • Damage: 255 to each target
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 384 to each target


Oh what a cutie pie, you could just drown in those eyes! But mind out kitties got claws and a huge gaping in maw. She's a family favorite and what's more adorable than a little bitty kitty!


  • It is the first mutant that is based on a real life animal: a cat.
    • Also the "larva" form looks like it's just a cat stuffed into the tube.
  • The Bronze, Silver and Gold variants have the collar tag match their star, and the platinum has a paw print tag to match the theme.

Possible references

  • The larva form can be a nod to the Bonsai Kitten hoax, where they put a kitten in a jar to let it grow in shape of its container.
  • Its Platinum version is an obvious reference to the character Kitty White appears in Hello Kitty the franchise.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic