Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Kolossus is an Exclusive Saber-Galactic mutant which was obtained by producing it in the Challenge Hall for 180 Challenge Tokens.


Kolossus is a bearded, winged humanoid wearing dull, tan armor with purple spots around it with a red cape. He is equipped with a serrated purple sword which he hold in his right hand. His most noticeable feature is his mount, which appears to be a large draconic horse-like creature equipped with bluish, slate-colored armor that covers its dark, dull, red underbelly.


  • Attack: Apocalyptical
  • Life: Juggernaut
  • Speed: Very Slow


Saber Astral Sword[1]

  • Damage: 1621-1672
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 2508

Galactic Laser Sword[2]

  • Damage: 1621-1672
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 2508

  1. Kolossus' mount walks to the enemy, then he disappears into them while performing multiple slices of his sword. The same animation was first seen on Garlog followed by Wrath.
  2. Kolossus' mount walks to the enemy, then he shoots a blue laser from his sword very quickly.


Kolossus is one of the most powerful of all mutants. In a world of peace, his appetite for war is now sated in the arena.


  • Upon release, this mutant had the name "$specimen-ce-11" as well as had no Biography, valid attack names nor SFX. However, everything except the SFX were fixed after unspecified date.
  • This mutant's name is similar to Colossus; the only difference is the first letter of name.
    • Also, the names of Kolossus's both attacks are same with Gandolphus and Starscream's second attacks' names respectively.
  • This mutant is the first mutant with 3.51 speed ever released.
  • As of May 4, 2018, this mutant's health and retaliate ability were slightly reduced as a part of the May Minor Rebalance patch notes.
  • As of Dec. 12, 2018, this mutant's ability percentage was reduced again as a part of the Beyond the Machine 8: Genetics Reloaded update.

Possible references[]


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic