Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
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Mad Mike is a Heroic Zoomorph-Galactic mutant which can be obtained by buying the Silver version for 2,900 Golds or the Gold version for 3,300 Golds.


Made Mike is an anthropomorphic mouse wielding dual pistols with catridges of fluid in them. He wears a trench coat, baggy jeans, and a mask covering his eyes.


  • Attack: Very High
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Intermediate


Zoomorph Super Speed Charge[1]

  • Damage: 611
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 917

Galactic Space Fluid Guns[2]

  • Damage: 611
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 917

  1. MadMike1
    The screen darkens as the emblem on Mad Mike's chest glows. Then he dashes back and forth into the enemy multiple times while emitting clawing effects. A similar animation was seen with Iron Eagle's "Claws of Death" attack.
  2. MadMike2
    Mad Mike unloads his dual space fluid guns on the enemy. This animation is also similar to Kitty Ranger's "Meow Pow" attack.


He was a normal lab mouse, and good at his job. But he committed the ultimate sin; he ate all the grain in the lab kitchen. Other mice tried to kill him, but got the mouse he loved instead. Framed for murder, now he prowls the badlands...a hungry mouse hunting out of angry killer...Mad Mike the renegade!


Possible references[]

  • Mad Mike may be inspired by the "Biker Mice From Mars" cartoon.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic