Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Maiden of Twilight is a Heroic Mythic-Necro mutant which can be obtained by defeating her in the 150 stage of Dante's Inferno PVE.


Maiden of Twilight appears to be a pale skinned woman with white hair and a faded brown dress. She sits in a living demonic throne, with various spider-like appendages around and has a white cloth on the seat. The head of the throne peers down on the woman with its pale yellow orb-like eyes.


  • Attack: Apocalyptical
  • Life: Juggernaut
  • Speed: Very Slow


Mythic Pure Light

  • Damage: 1030
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1545

Necro Lost Souls

  • Damage: 1030
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1545


Made from a soul of pure light captured by a powerful scion of darkness, this damned creature rules over a massive domain in the depths of Hell where she has been imprisoned. By or despite her will, she lures anyone foolish enough to stray into her infernal domain. Beware! For she can enthrall you into an obedient corpse. No one can ascertain which both entities is really in control, and the Maiden of Twilight sometimes seems to struggle against herself. Her return to the surface might be a sign of impending doom...


  • As of March 5th, 2020, this mutant currently has the slowest speed in the game.

Possible references[]

  • She could be a reference to Urizen in Devil May Cry 5. Notably Urizen is defeated by the protagonist Dante.
  • She is also likely a reference to Beatrice in Dante's Inferno, being also described as a "pure soul worthy of heaven". The biography also alludes to Beatrice's role in the game.
    • Incidentally, the event Dante's Inferno shares the same name with the game where Beatrice appears.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic