Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
Mutenstein is a new Scientist in Mutants: Genetic Gladiators who made his debut together with the release of The Pit PVE. In his first appearance, he gives you tasks to complete the PVE for him.


Mutenstein is a bald middle aged man with dark brown side hair styled like wings and a thin mustache. He wears a purple formal sleeved top with golden designs as well as a triangular ensemble on his chest, with a purple and gold open vest over the top. His arm has a cybernetic enhancement that is composed with numerous green syringes and metallic attachments. There is a lime green oval-shaped object planted in his forehead and has an artificial eye that resembles like a saw blade. He carries a small octopus-like mutant with many eyes and green suckers with him.


He's a new scientist in the Genetic City.


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