Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Orion is a Heroic Mythic-Cyber mutant which can be bought in Shop with basic version for 9.99$ or with Gold version for 3000Golds.


Orion is a being made of energy clad in metallic armor.


  • Attack: Cataclysmal
  • Life: Weak
  • Speed: Very Fast


Mythic Breath of Ice

  • Damage: 666
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 999

Cyber Absolute Zero

  • Damage: 666
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 999


Although legend says this once great hunter was honored by the gods by placing him in the stars, the truth is that he was actually imprisoned in them by the gods. Using the Psy-Lab to create an almost bodiless form to be freed from his prison, Orion willingly jumps into the arena to test his wits and might against the greatest preys in the galaxy. So, beware if you don't want to take an arrow in the knee!


  • This mutant's health is the lowest in game.
  • This mutant's attack is the highest for the speed of 8.33.
  • This mutant's attack was slightly reduced as of May 4, 2018 as a part of the May Minor Rebalance update. Go to this link for more information.
  • This mutant's ability percentage and Life were reduced as of Dec 12, 2018 as a part of the Beyond the Machine 8: Genetics Reloaded update.

Possible references[]


  • Although this mutant has been nerfed a little, he remains as of one of the most powerful mutants in the game, given his high speed and attack allows slow mutants to not be easily challenged head-on against him. However, his only weakness is his extremely low health; mutants with Retaliate ability such as Kolossus or Buck Maurice are among the best mutants to deter him.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic