Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Overkill is a Legendary Necro-Galactic mutant which can be bought in the Shop with 3,000 Golds for his Gold version, or the basic version for 9.99$. He was also available in a random box that gave a random bronze or higher version.


Overkill is a purple and green haired stubby alien creature with cybernetic armor, a glasses, and 2 space guns which located on each of his forearm.


  • Attack: Cataclysmal
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Very Slow


Necro Burst Mode[1]

  • Damage: 858
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1287

Galactic Space Cannon[2]

  • Damage: 858
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1287

  1. Overkill hops in front of his target then he shots his target with his arm guns multiple times.
  2. Overkill hops in front of his target, transforms one of his gun into a large riffle barrel and shots his target once with it.


"Guns! More guns!" is the usual solution of Overkill to ANY problem he encounters. This would be a shame if he wasn't so successful in his career as a space bounty hunter and now in the arena.


  • Overkill's Boost ability is known to have a higher percentage compared to most mutants with that ability. It starts at 25% and improves to 37% at level 25.
  • This mutant had no sound effects; which may had been caused by either a technical glitch, or the developers' accident/non-awareness of that.

Possible references[]

  • He is inspired by DotA 2's hero Alchemist.
  • Overkill's name and equipment might be references to the famous game, Overwatch as Overkill himself resembles the iconic game character, Tracer and Overkill's name also seems to be a parody of Overwatch, where "watch" is word-swapped with "kill".
  • He might be designed after the character Cyberdemon or Mancubus from Doom series.


  • The Necro attack Burst Mode is more likely to being a Cyber attack rather than that.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic