Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
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Pierrot is a Heroic Mythic-Galactic mutant which can be obtained through the store for 9.99$.


Pierrot is a flesh-colored, green-eyed humanoid being with a swirly head. He wears a black jester outfit and a pair of wrist guards with two pairs of yellow orbs adhered on them. A halved white mask covers around one of his eye and a white crescent-shaped prop is adhered on the topside of the mask.

Upon upgrading his elite version, his skin gets close to red and his mask gets upgraded to cover around both eyes in Silver version, then entire face since Gold version. The crescent-shaped prop gets eventually transformed into the full-moon-shaped, and his jester outfit gradually goes to white as well as some minor changes on the outfit which including a white ruff collar and white shoulder arms with yellow orbs & a pair of white plates around his lower body since Silver version, and a white cape on his lower body in Platinum version. He also gains a long tail since Gold version.


  • Attack: Cataclysmal
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Intermediate


Mythic Crescent Moon

  • Damage: 829
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1244

Galactic spread Full Moon

  • Damage: 415 to each target
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 622 to each target


We are all influenced by the Moon. He is capable of mimicking it up to its radiance. But don't let his calm appearance and his mask mislead you. His cruelty is equaled only by his ability to incite the most vile behaviour in all those who see his true face under an earthshine moon.


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Pierrot larva is his white right eye mask.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic