Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Rox McRain is a Legendary Galactic-Zoomorph mutant which can be traded for 50 Jackpot Token in the Exchange Office (May 2021).


Rox McRain appears as a bidpedal fox or wolf whose torso and face are obscured by a chestplate of sorts; a visor is placed in the center. He has a set of what appear to be robotic ears sticking from his helmet and he carries a bladed staff with him that he uses in his attacks.


  • Attack: Medium
  • Life: Average
  • Speed: Fast


Galactic Plasma shots

  • Damage: 264
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 396

Zoomorph Naginata attack

  • Damage: 264
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 396


Rox McRain was originally a bodyguard for an extra-terrestrial mining magnate. Competitors having nuked his boss during his one day of annual holiday, he reconverts in the fight in the arena. He now excels in these battles to death.

Possible references[]


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic