Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Sergeant Dusk is a Heroic Cyber-Saber mutant which can be obtained by buy the Basic version for 1,500 Golds or the Silver version for 1,900 Golds and one time sold as token which can be exchanged in Exchange Office for one Gold version after X-Mas and before end of 2016.


Sergeant Dusk is a person equipped with advanced armor and a helmet, a futuristic shotgun, and two turrets on his back.


  • Attack: High
  • Life: Average
  • Speed: Intermediate


Cyber Tactical Assault

  • Damage: 655 [1]
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 982

Saber Deadly Gun Turret

  • Damage: 655 [2]
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 982

  1. He shoots from his shotgun twice then tosses some grenades, which explode on impact.
  2. The two turrets on his back fly in front to connect and rapidly fire at the enemy.


Dusk is a brave and faithful ally. This soldier used to be specialised in dangerous rescue missions on newly discovered planets. But now the business is low and fighting in arenas is so much more fun!

Possible references[]

  • This mutant looks similar to Judge Dredd from the movie with same name, especially in his Gold version.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic