Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Summoner is a Legendary Mythic mono-gene mutant, available to purchase in the Shop for 3000Golds.


Summoner appears as dark elf female witch, who is making with her hands a summoning movement. Summoned in between her hands appears to be transparent mythical dragon like creature hanging in the air.


  • Attack: Destructive
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Fast


Mythic Lesser summon

  • Damage: 477
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 2027

Physical Familiar

  • Damage: 488
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 2118


For a long time, there have been creatures that mankind was never able to master, entities beyond understanding. Still, thanks to solid knowledge and to help of a small mystical creature, some of them have managed to materialize some of the power of these creatures in our reality, in order to crush their opponents… A regulation was quickly adopted, and this power submitted to direct control of a Psy Captain.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic