Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Supraman X is a Video Game Cyber-Galactic mutant. He was sold in the Shop for 1,000 Golds. He cannot be bred and cannot be upgraded.


Supraman X is an android that resembles a boy wearing a cybernetic suit that covers his whole body except his face and hair. He is equipped with a cannon on one of his hands and moves on roller blades.


  • Attack: High
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Fast


Cyber Plasma Cannon

  • Damage: 512
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 768

Galactic Mega Uppercut

  • Damage: 512
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 768


Supraman used to be an android called Scissors. He was designed by Darwin to be a lab assistant, however the treacherous Baron Urban modified him and he was converted into a maverick battle robot. This did not last for long, as Scissors managed to fight his evil side, claiming his free will and becoming Supraman X.


  • This mutant was first seen in the 2nd Round of the Floating Tokyo stage of the Supra Division.
  • Despite having Cyber/Galatic genes, this mutant has the Curse ability, which the most Mythic mutants have.

Possible references

  • This mutant is a clear reference to the character Megaman X.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic