Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

The Boogey Girl is a Legendary Necro-Necro mutant which was purchasable through the Shop in Gold version for 1,500 Golds.

This mutant was introduced in Mutants Bingo.


Appears to be a sleepwalking child in pajama with a huge ghostly apparition coming out of her head, holding a torn bag of sand and wearing an hourglass by the neck.


  • Attack: Very Low
  • Life: Weak
  • Speed: Very Fast



MGG - Boogey Girl (Move set)

Necro Bogeyman

  • Damage: 204
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 307

Necro spread Sandman

  • Damage: 102 to each target
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 153 to each target


Here is what happens when you tell ghost stories to kids before they go to sleep! The nice Sandman that is supposed to take them to dreamland becomes the terrifying Boogey Man that will show you terror in handful of dust! Talking to dreamers is like talking to zombies... So why even try to wake them up?


  • Despite being a Necro mutant, this mutant has the Wound ability which usually belongs to Zoomorph mutants.

Possible references

  • Its name could be a reference to the Boogeyman.
  • Based on the sand bag, he could be based on the mythical character Sandman from nothern and southern European forklore.
  • The mutant's basic form has a face that resembles Frank the Rabbit from "Donie Darko"


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic