Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki
Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

The Primal is a Reactor-exclusive Necro-Zoomorph which can only be obtained through the Time Soldier Reactor collection.


The Primal appears to be an undead green-skinned man wearing caveman clothes and a deer skull. He wields a torch on his left hand and a bloody stone axe in his right. He is also carrying a bloody spear on his back. He has a companion which is of the Smilodon Species (saber-toothed tiger).


  • Attack: Cataclysmal
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Fast


Necro Sepulchral flame[1]

  • Damage: 567 (+568 Platinum Star)
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 851 (+852 Platinum Star)(estimated)

Zoomorph Saber Teeth[2]

  • Damage: 567 (+568 Platinum Star)
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 851 (+852 Platinum Star)(estimated)

  1. The Primal blows a cone of green fire from his torch into the enemy, while his saber-toothed tiger does the same.
  2. A translucent head of the saber-toothed tiger appears behind The Primal while the animal itself lunges back and forth into the enemy multiples times, emitting clawing effects.


He is the oldest, he is the very first one. The Origin of every soldier, every warrior. He is anchored in the mutants' DNA like a memory in a human brain.


  • On January 13th, 2016, there was a glitch that this mutant was breedable as a Rare mutant for all players with combining any Necro and Zoomorph mutants.
    • The basic version is visible and he resembles the one offered in the reactor, while Bronze, Silver & Gold versions are not visible they just appear as a silhouette.
    • He can't be fused even if there are eligible gold specimens (perhaps because it wasn't meant to be breedable in the first place).
    • The Mutopedia shows only the reactor version shield and no matter how many versions are bred it reads X/1 (X is the number of versions bred). Note that if he isn't the reactor version the shield will look dimmed.
    • As an alternative outcome of a breeding process, it costs 10K Gold to switch, while it says it is at a discount of 70% which makes it worth 35K Gold and hence the most expensive specimen in the game.
    • Reported successful breeds are:
  • As of January 27th, 2016, the previously reported glitch is somewhat solved:
    • The mutant is now officially non-breedable.
    • The basic version of the mutant is currently unrecognized as an available version.
    • According to the Mutopedia, he has four different versions, the elite versions (Bronze, Silver & Gold) and the platinum reactor version, but a basic version could be obtained briefly when the glitch was still active.
    • Those who previously had the basic version during the glitch can still keep it.
    • The Mutopedia reads "4" versions now and doesn't show the basic version, still if the player has the basic version it is going to read 1/4, but all different versions are still dimmed.
    • If all 5 versions are owned the Mutopedia Entry for the player will read 5/4 for The Primal.
  • As of August 9, 2019, it is officially announced in a Facebook post that he was rebalanced, because the MGG community had claimed him being too weak according to the post.

Possible references

  • This mutant might be inspired by the video game Far Cry Primal.
  • This mutant resembles Ka-Zar in Marvel Comics.
  • This mutant also looks like a Rexxar and Misha from World of Warcraft.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic