Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Thunderstruck is a PvP exclusive Cyber-Cyber mutant. It was initially rewarded as a reward for the Veteran's League in PvP Season 50.


Mutants Genetic Gladiators-Thunderstruck ¡Correct Parents! offer


Thunderstruck is a hulking cycloptic robot with camouflage paint, two green tubes on both side of its chest. It has two sets of tank treads under its forearm and legs and two machine guns attached to its shoulder. It can transform into a tank during its both attack.


  • Attack: Medium
  • Life: Average
  • Speed: Fast


Cyber Auto-Robot[1]

  • Damage: 741
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 1111 (estimated)

Cyber spread Air Defense[2]

  • Damage: 371 to each target
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 556 to each target (estimated)

  1. Thunderstruck jumps in front of the enemy while transforming into a tank. It then shoots the enemy from dual cannons and rapidly fires a machine gun turret.
  2. Thunderstruck transforms into anti-aircraft weaponry with four cannons and two mortars. It rapidly fires the new weapons while aimed at the sky, which then bombards the enemies with explosions.


Thunderstruck is the leader of a group of rebels robots who struggle for survival. Unfortunately, they are totally paranoid and think that all Cyber Mutants are Usurpicons, another race of giant robots which enslaved their planet. Since then, they wipe out the arenas, seeking revenge.


Possible references

  • This mutant's larva resembles the Autobot's symbol.
  • This mutant is a reference to Optimus Prime from Transformers franchise, especially its Gold Version.
  • Its Silver Version is based on Jazz from Transformers franchise.
  • Its Bronze Version is based on Hound, the G1 Version from Transformers franchise.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic